The Joffe Group Made This List!

Anyone who knows me knows that I really dislike the annual realtor rankings. My issues with it are many, but I’ll just name a couple. First, they can be easily manipulated by those who choose not to follow the unwritten rules of integrity. And second, as someone who is consistently ranked, I’m very uncomfortable boasting about it.
When one of my teammates brought up the idea of publicizing our ranking this year, I immediately thought “not this again”, until she presented it a different way. “What a great way to thank all of the people who trust us” she said. “It validates that they made a good choice and we should let them know how much we truly value and appreciate their trust” she added. I stopped and thought for a moment, and I realized she makes a very good point.
I was forced to look at this whole ranking thing differently. I honestly don’t even have award plaques in my office (except for the occasional golf tournament when my partner carries me to a victory). But, when I think about my incredibly supportive team of agents who trust that my name adds value to their career, and all the people who trust me with what is often times their biggest asset, how can I not take this moment to say WE DID IT AGAIN... Our little group has ranked in the top 250 real estate groups in the nation!
The team category is loaded with groups that are much larger than us. In all honesty, we most likely have the least number of agents of any group that’s recognized. I think that fills me with the most pride because it means we are all about personal attention. We are a family and we hope that our clients feel they are treated that way. Bob, Andrew, Meredith, Jen, Karen, Mona, Amy and I are so grateful to each and every one of you who put your trust in us. It’s a special thing to be able to boast about that!
I am continually humbled by our success, I am continually grateful for every client we have, and I’m continually excited each time we sell a home. Believe it or not, that feeling never gets old.
So… it’s with great humility that we say thank you for once again for helping us make the list. It’s pretty cool!